
We accept returns for any reason within 30 days. You must return items in their original packaging and in the same condition as when you received them. Send us an email here to arrange your refund.

All Aqua bottles are guaranteed for 2 years

We offer a 2 years guarantee on all our products. This means that if your AQUA bottle stops functioning as it should, at any time, send an email through to us here along with proof and we'll arrange for a replacement product or a refund.

What does 'guarantee' mean?
It means that if you have a problem with your AQUA bottle or it has not met your expectations, you can contact us via email here and we will find a resolution. If you're still not happy, we'll offer you a replacement bottle.
Is accidental damage or general wear & tear covered?
Unfortunately we can't cover general wear and tear of the product or accidental damage in our 2 year guarantee. 
How do I return my AQUA bottle?
Please get in contact with us directly here and we will take it from there.